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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Does gossip expose our nakedness?

I am not sure what actually happened in Noah's tent that night but whatever it was, Ham should not have
responded to it the way he did. Because of it his lineage was forever cursed.  It appears to me that his main
sin was to run outside and tell his brothers (gossip) about their father.

Genesis 9:22

Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brothers outside.

Verse 23 goes on to say that Ham's brothers walked in backwards and covered their father's nakedness.

For me the brothers represent how I should respond to gossip.  Gossip exposes weakness, shame, embarrasment, personal problems, and breeds an environment which is built on resentment and mistrust. To cover a person's shame when another is exposing it is the way I need to respond to gossip.

Father in Heaven, I pray that You will build up in me the ability to say the right thing when confronted with
gossip so others will be built up not torn down by my words.  I recognize that I have failed You in this area
by participating in gossip.  I ask that You will forgive me and lead me in the way that I should go.

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